Sunday, July 14, 2013

Taking Care of Cables

I've recently been trawling the rich minefield of Youtube for tutorials on making your own contact mic, since it is apparently both cheap and easy to make your own. That post will probably come later, after I get my hands on some piezoelectric transducer elements.  But Youtube Recommended Videos threw up a classic that I thought worth sharing here.

How to properly coil an audio cable, using the over-under method.

It took me an embarrassingly long time in my professional career to discover this technique - I wasn't even aware of it until someone observed that I obviously hadn't ever been taught to properly wrap a cable, which sent me scurrying (again) to Youtube to fill that void in my knowledge. One of those small things that's surprisingly easy to miss when your knowledge is a combination of self-taught and learning from other professionals who assume you must know something so basic already! Maybe this post will spare someone else the embarrassment.